Support O’Neill Sea Odyssey through the Monterey County Gives! Campaign

Unlock the Power of Giving

O’Neill Sea Odyssey stands as a beacon of hope in a world where the natural wonders of our planet are under increasing pressure. We invite you to take part in this remarkable journey. Your support makes a lasting difference through the Monterey County Gives! campaign. Thanks to a generous partnership with the Santa Cruz County Bank and the O’Neill Sea Odyssey Board of Directors, the impact of your gift will go even further! 

Together, We Make Waves

The importance of the O’Neill Sea Odyssey program cannot be overemphasized. The climate crisis is at our doorstep and our program is actively working to instill a sense of hope and responsibility for our oceans. Lasting change is possible when the next generation is inspired, educated, and engaged to protect our marine environment. Join the cause, support ocean stewardship, and help build a vibrant, more sustainable future for our oceans. Together, we make waves for positive change. 🌊💙 

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