If you wish to name the O’Neill Sea Odyssey in your will or trust, Thank You! Your gift will allow the long-term sustainability and viability of our program for future generations.
Draft recommended language would look like: “NAME would like a gift {(in the amount of) or (of x% of estate)} made to O’Neill Sea Odyssey, a California Nonprofit Organization – based in Santa Cruz, California. The purpose of this gift is to support the organization’s work to educate youth about the ocean and the environment.
If you are over the age of 72, and you are required to take a Minimum Distribution making a Qualified Charitable Distribution is a gift that can make immediate impact for the O’Neill Sea Odyssey without increasing your income taxes.
Always consult with your tax advisor to determine what’s right for your portfolio.
Donating stock shares is an excellent option for making generous gifts to the O’Neill Sea Odyssey.
Please consult your tax advisor regarding the tax deductibility and timing of your gift. All gifts of stock will be received and transferred by the Community Foundation of Santa Cruz County.
Help us advance our goal for climate adaptation and resiliency and make a corporate gift through 1% for the Planet.