Category Archives: Expand Your Knowledge

Marine Biology: Depth

The Monterey Bay has many different habitats in different depths of water. Some animals and [...]

Marine Biology: Surface Temperature

The sea temperature data that your class took on the boat is called a surface [...]

Marine Biology: Date

The date indicates the season we’re in: spring (end of March to end of June), [...]

Navigation: Time

Time is one of the most important measurements in navigation. Knowing the correct time, using [...]

Marine Ecology: pH Measurement

The term pH is taken from the German word ‘potenz’ meaning power and H, the [...]

Marine Ecology: Otter Count

  The southern sea otter is an endangered species. The students and staff of O’Neill [...]

Symbiosis Worksheet

Use this worksheet to identify symbiotic relationships between organisms in your home environment. For more [...]

Navigation: Latitude and Longitude

Explore the next step in finding your way, using a grid of lines based on [...]

Navigation Worksheet

Using your homemade compass, find directions for objects in your home or neighborhood. Download the [...]

Make Your Own Compass Rose

Click below to print, color, and label these pages with the cardinal directions to create [...]

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