Category Archives: Navigation

Nautical Knot Tying Clinic

The OSO virtual knot-tying clinic.

Dance of the Tides & Moon Phases and Tides Flip-book

Students learn about how plankton drift with the currents, tides, and wind.

Wind and Waves

Students learn about how plankton drift with the currents, tides, and wind.

Build Your Own Compass

Students are introduced to a handheld compass.

Echolocation in Action

Students are introduced to the boat’s radar system and how it acts like echolocation.

Earth Hour Challenge

Connect with nature, your family, and the moon and stars by participating in the Earth [...]

Navigation: Date

The date indicates the season we’re in: spring (end of March to end of June), [...]

Navigation: GPS

Global Positioning Systems (GPS) have been around for sailors since 1990. It is the sailor’s [...]

Navigation: Bearings

While on board the Team O’Neill Catamaran, each group took a set of three bearings [...]

Navigation: Depth

One of the first and most valuable inventions in navigation was the lead line. In [...]

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