If you want to learn more about the ocean, visit these related websites:

The Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre, in conjunction with OceanLink, is all about the ocean and has set up their entire web site for kids and teachers. Check out the ‘Students in Action’ section.

The Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Science in Maine is a private, non-profit research center. This web site has great information on food webs and conservation.

The California Marine Sanctuary Foundation is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to advance the understanding and protection of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary and other national marine sanctuaries in California. Of specific interest is a children’s book called Coralito’s Bay. It is the story of a young boy’s imaginary underwater adventures through the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary and is written in both English and Spanish. Click on the Resources & Publications link of the CMSF site to find out how you may acquire your own copy.

The Center for Ocean Solutions works to solve the major problems facing the ocean and prepares leaders to take on these challenges.

The Clean Beaches Coalition offers Save Our Shores information on local beach cleanup projects and how one can participate.

The Gulf of Maine Research Institute is a non-profit marine science center located in Portland, Maine. Look for lots of kid oriented links with great information on individual animals. Also includes a section on learning from satellites.

The International Pacific Research Center is an international climate research center, with a focus on the Asia-Pacific region. They seek to understand the climate system and how it may respond to human activity by conducting experiments with computer simulation models and by analyzing the many direct and remote observations related to climate. One current study projects the path of Japan’s tsunami debris.

MBARI is the research center for the Monterey Bay Aquarium. This site contains updated information from deep-sea explorations and other areas of marine biology research. Teachers will find valuable seminars and educational opportunities in the web site calendar.

The Monterey Bay Aquarium site is a great introduction to the creatures and habitats of the Monterey Bay.

National Geographic has a wonderful kids section focused on ecology news.

The National Marine Educators Association is a great resource for teachers who are interested in structuring a marine biology curriculum.

The National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration offers information in all oceanographic areas. You can even check this web site to get a local weather forecast before attending the O’Neill Sea Odyssey Program.

The New Hampshire Public Television site has a 16 part natural science series for grades 3-6.

The Seymour Marine Discovery Center in Santa Cruz offers tours of their marine lab to school groups. If you can’t make it to the lab in person, this web site is the next best thing.

The Western Weather Group has put together a web page that displays the historical weather data of the Santa Cruz Harbor going back through 2007. Take a look at the periodic variations of our coastal climate.

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